We take the utmost care to ensure we operate to the highest standards of environmental compliance, health and safety law and corporate responsibility.
We carry all the necessary permits, licences and accreditations to carry out our work and our customers can be assured that we continually strive to improve our environmental performance.
Packaging Waste
Stringent regulations set out requirements for the UK plastics industry in relation to recovering and recycling packaging waste.
At Preston Plastics we fully understand the technically complex implications of the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste Regulations) 2007.
These regulations mean companies supplying or importing more than 50 tonnes of packaging a year, and with a turnover above £2 million, must register and fulfil an obligation to recover or recycle a specific amount of packaging.
Businesses have to calculate the weight and type of packaging they supplied in the previous year. Using this data they can work out how many tonnes of Packaging Recovery Note (PRN) or Packaging Export Recovery Notes (PERN) certificates must be purchased for different material types.
We provide straight-talking support and advice to our customers, working with them to ensure this important legal responsibility is met efficiently and cost-effectively.
Health and Safety
Health and safety is paramount at Preston Plastics - for both our employees and visitors to our site.
We promote a positive health and safety culture across the company, supported by detailed risk assessments, regular training programmes and hands-on implementation of health and safety procedures.